
JP Management Consultants (Pty) Ltd

Honesty is the first step in ethical business sustainability strategy.

We use Stakeholder Capitalism to fix Lawlessness in Local Governments

Lawlessness has become the biggest threat to municipalities' economic (political) stability. JPMC identified the need to mitigate lawlessness using stakeholder participation as the only solution within local governments.  The current models do not address the root causes of lawlessness.

Larry Fink in the 2019 yearly report of Blackrock suggested that companies should not get involved in politics or social or ideological agenda. Larry Fink suggested that Multinational corporations (MNCs) should be about “mutually beneficial relationships between you and the employees, customers, suppliers, and communities your company relies on to prosper”. How do you create this interrelationship using lawlessness as a social responsibility project?

JPMC identifies/collects/analyzes data in relationship to historical variables contributing to lawlessness. We use the information collected to develop a framework to address the threats. We mitigate historic variables (such as TOC securitization networks) and develop social responsibility solutions to address lawlessness within local governments. We introduce solutions for IDP shortcomings, creating new income streams for SMEs.

CEOs in South Africa do not understand the problem of lawlessness and focus on profiteering. For example, MNCs convinced the government to spend billions of rands on "solutions for crime" (cameras and drones) without conceptualizing lawlessness. This fake solution will contribute to the alienation between companies and communities.

JPMC is the only company in South Africa that isolated the causes of lawlessness and defined solutions to be incorporated into stakeholder solutions for local governments using corporate social responsibility.